
Complex Trauma Psychologist Melbourne

Complex Trauma is characterised by repeated exposures to traumatic events and stressors over the course of a person’s development. These events can then impact a person’s development in a range of ways. If you are seeking a complex trauma psychologist in Melbourne read through to learn more.


Complex Trauma Psychologist Melbourne

Complex Trauma is characterised by repeated exposures to traumatic events and stressors over the course of a person’s development. These events can then impact a person’s development in a range of ways. If you are seeking a complex trauma psychologist in Melbourne read through to learn more.

Complex Trauma Psychologist Melbourne: What is Complex Trauma

Complex trauma, also known as complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD), refers to a type of trauma that results from prolonged exposure to severe stressors, typically of an interpersonal nature and occurring early in life or over an extended period. Unlike single-event traumas (such as a car accident or natural disaster), complex trauma involves repeated or prolonged exposure to adverse experiences that can deeply impact an individual’s development, sense of self, and interpersonal relationships. These events are all marked by a profound absence of safety. Furthermore, they often feature abandonment, loss of trust, emotional instability, and deep shaming.

What Causes Complex Trauma

The distinguishing feature of complex trauma is the cumulative impact of exposure to multiple traumatic events over time, which can lead to a range of psychological, emotional, and interpersonal difficulties. Some common symptoms and characteristics of complex trauma include:

  • Emotional Dysregulation: Difficulty managing emotions, mood swings, and intense emotional reactions.
  • Complex Defences: In order to navigate and survive complex situations a developing child often has to establish complex internal defence systems. These defence patterns are designed to achieve some form of internal safety or distance from danger (e.g. dissociation, detachment, intellectualization).
  • Disturbed Self-Image: Feelings of shame, worthlessness, and a distorted sense of self.
  • Interpersonal and Attachment Difficulties: Challenges in forming and maintaining healthy relationships, often characterized by trust issues, fear of intimacy, or difficulty setting boundaries.
  • Impaired Self-Regulation and Self-Care: Problems with impulse control, self-destructive behaviours, and addiction. Challenges in identifying and meeting own emotional needs.
  • Alterations in Meaning: Loss of faith, hopelessness, and difficulties in finding meaning in life.
  • Somatic Symptoms: Physical health problems related to chronic stress, such as headaches, gastrointestinal issues, chronic pain, and autoimmune conditions.

Treatment of Complex Trauma: From Danger to Safety

Recovery from complex trauma often requires specialized therapeutic interventions (trauma-informed care) from qualified mental health professionals. Trauma-focused therapies, such as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (TF-CBT), Somatic Experiencing, and Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy can be effective in helping individuals process traumatic memories, regulate emotions, and rebuild a sense of safety and empowerment.

Trauma work and healing is an individualized process that varies from person to person. There is no one-size-fits-all approach, but there are general stages that many individuals may experience during their healing journey. Furthermore, it’s important to remember that healing is not linear, and people may move back and forth between stages or experience them in a different order.

Healing from complex trauma can be a challenging journey, but with appropriate treatment and support, individuals can experience significant improvement in their quality of life and overall well-being. Here are some common stages of healing from childhood trauma:

Acknowledgment and Awareness: This stage involves recognizing that there are unresolved childhood traumas and their impact on one’s life. It may involve acknowledging painful memories, emotions, and the ways trauma has affected relationships and behaviour.

Safety and Stabilization: Creating a sense of safety is crucial for healing. This stage involves developing coping mechanisms to manage overwhelming emotions and finding stability in day-to-day life. Establishing healthy routines and seeking support from others can be essential during this stage.

Processing and Grieving: In this stage, individuals begin to process the traumatic memories and emotions associated with their childhood experiences. This may involve revisiting painful memories and allowing oneself to feel and express the associated emotions. Grieving for the lost or damaged parts of childhood can also be a part of this stage.

Building Coping Skills: Developing healthy coping strategies and emotional regulation techniques is vital for managing triggers and stress related to the trauma. Therapy can be instrumental in learning and practicing these coping skills.

Reconnecting with Self: Healing from childhood trauma often involves reconnecting with one’s authentic self and developing a more positive self-identity. This may include exploring personal interests, strengths, and values.

Establishing Boundaries: Setting and maintaining healthy boundaries is essential for survivors of childhood trauma. Learning to say no and recognizing when boundaries are being crossed helps in building healthier relationships.

Forgiveness and Compassion: This stage involves working towards forgiving oneself for any perceived faults or self-blame related to the trauma. It can also involve considering forgiveness towards those who caused the harm, not as a validation of their actions, but as a way to release the hold of anger and resentment.

Rebuilding Relationships: Healing from childhood trauma can impact personal relationships. During this stage, individuals may work on rebuilding trust and creating healthier connections with others.

Integration and Growth: In this final stage, individuals begin to integrate their healing journey into their sense of self. While the trauma will always be a part of their history, it no longer defines them. This stage involves embracing personal growth, finding meaning in the experience, and moving forward with renewed strength and resilience.

It’s important to reiterate that healing is a highly individual process, and not everyone may experience all these stages. Some stages may be more challenging or take longer to navigate than others. Professional support, such as therapy with a trauma-informed therapist, can be invaluable in helping individuals work through these stages and achieve meaningful healing and recovery. To learn more about how a complex trauma psychologist in Melbourne can help feel free to call on 0451491395.

What to Expect During Therapy

  • Comprehensive Assessment: Here we will discuss your initial concerns and what you want to work on. Furthermore, we conduct a thorough ongoing assessment to understand your history, symptoms, and treatment needs.
  • Individualized Therapy: Together we will set treatment focus, goals, and a customized treatment plan. Tailored therapy sessions using evidence-based approaches such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and psychodynamic therapies will be implemented. The key to a good treatment is that we have a good rapport, are able to be open, and can work collaboratively.
  • Trauma and Attachment Informed Care: All interventions are delivered within a trauma-informed framework, prioritizing safety, trust, collaboration, and empowerment.
  • Therapy Sessions: Therapy from the get go – therapy typically involves regular one-on-one sessions with your psychologist. The frequency and duration of therapy may vary based on your specific needs. In session we focus on shifting unhelpful thought patterns, actions, and emotional experience.

  • Mindfulness and Emotion-Focused: Sessions incorporate moments to try to restore calmness, safety, and balance. Often these were missing during the stressors and traumas of upbringing.

Establishing Safety and Processing Trauma

Sessions are often characterised by trying to restore some safety and stability in the body. However, we also aim to process the big traumas, emotions, and experiences stored away in the nervous system

Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy

Bypass and loosen old defences and protective mechanisms, find ways out of experience such as hopelessness and shame, and tap in to pathways that facilitate healing, transformation, clarity, and security.

Attachment Styles and relationships

Our relationship styles play out in different ways. For example, we might maintain a large distance, collide in to others emotionally, or re-enact old patterns of abandonment. The journey to re-establishing safe connection often starts with the therapy relationship.

Let’s work together

Find Pathways to Well-being with an Evidence Based Approach

Complex Trauma Psychologist Melbourne

Complex Trauma Psychologist Melbourne

Call today to learn more about how we can tap in to pathways for healing and well-being.
